Home WO Voices Podcast Series Dr. Shira Kresch: A Specialty Lens Practice Start

Dr. Shira Kresch: A Specialty Lens Practice Start

Listen to this 20-minute WO Voices podcast with Shira Kresch, OD, MS, FAAO. Dr. Kresch, winner of the 2023 Theia Award of Excellence for Young OD, shares her passion for fitting scleral and specialty lenses at her new practice. First, it was a necessity, and secondly, she appreciated having a niche that she could build a private practice on.

She explains how she determined there was a demand for her specialty services and what practice choices she made to enable her to open with her husband as practice manager and no additional staff. Now, six months into ownership of Michigan Contact Lens, she’s ready to tackle the second phase of practice growth with a focus on myopia management.


Listen to other WO Voices podcasts here.

Want to be a guest on WO Voices? Email mbijlefeld@jobson.com.

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